Hardcoded password fail
Ali Raheem
10th of June 2020
Table of Contents
The Quarry
Let's get crackin'
Unzip for me
Things get interesting
Target Acquired
End game
When I buy a piece of hardware I expect to own it and be able to do
what I want with it. On the other hand manufacturers want me to buy
their hardware and then do what they want with it. When I am feeling
particularly cynical this is why I think router manufacturers
'encrypt' configuration files. Of course from their point of view the
files are encrypted to protect the sensitive data from being stolen
and preventing confusion by having those files open and editable on
your desktop.
But staying cynical, the quotation marks around encrypt are on
purpose, because of course if the hardware that does the encrypting
and decrypting is in my hands then that encryption is no more than a
challenge to take the hardware apart and find the keys.
Even if you don't have the device in question read on and you can grab
all you need to follow this post-mortem for free.
The Quarry
One of my favourite things is looking around eBay for cheap junk, my
favourite thing is to buy that junk, play with it for a day or two and
then chuck it in the junk pile. When that piece of junk challenges me
to hack it all the better. That's what happened when I bought a
[TP-Link TL-MR3020 V3] (I got it for a song at £18), ostensibly I
wanted to use it tether my phone and get a reliable internet
connection. But finding the configuration backup encrypted was just
such a challenge to hack it that I can't resist.
[TP-Link TL-MR3020 V3]
Let's get crackin'
Lucky for me TP-Link provides firmware on their [website] for download
making it easy to poke around in it's innards before the router even
Downloading the file and unzipping we're greeted with a couple PDFs
(I've never even read the titles) and what we're interested in a file
ending with a .bin extension. But we should take note that they exist
incase we get stuck, heck maybe one of them describes in perfect
detail the format of the config files?
These .bin files are typically just smooshed together smaller
files. The most popular tool to explore such a file is
[binwalk]. Binwalk steps through the file and can work out the types
and sizes of embedded files. If we use the `-e' option we can even
have binwalk pull these chunks out for us. It'll automatically unzip
or otherwise unpackage these subfiles. It worth noting the output of
binwalk as if we want to repack the firmware (for flashing a modified
version) matching the offsets (at least) and settings will maximise
our chances of success.
Unzip for me
In our case the most interesting bit is `Squashfs
filesystem'. Squashfs is a popular choice for engineers to package a
filesystem into such a firmware file. Using squashfs you can take a
directory full of files and folders and produce a single
binary. Binwalk has helpfully unpacked it into a folder for us. Moving
into the filesystem directory we find what looks like a bogstandard
linux directory. With the right tool we could even run these some of
these binaries, we could `sudo chroot . bin/busybox sh', or go for
something more elaborate like [firmadyne] which would let us emulate
the entire system. We wont need any of that here, well so far.
Personally I like to look at `etc/' directory first when I get into a
victim filesystem. This is where most system configuration files are
stored. [John the ripper], makes short work of the password file (
`etc/passwd.bak' found here, in this case the username is admin,
password is 1234). Another point of interest are the boot scripts in
`etc/init.d/'. Looking at the boot scripts we see that
`etc/passwd.bak' is copied over `etc/passwd' the standard password
file location.
It's also often the case that the system will start out in a far less
secure state than it runs in. It's common to see `telnetd' start only
to be killed in a later script. Giving a brief window where one could
login and make changes.
[John the ripper]
Things get interesting
But poking around the filesystem and something piqued my interest,
`etc/default_config.xml'. It's also not recognised as xml, but "data"
by the `file' command.
Using the entropy function for binwalk we can see that it's relatively
high and relatively stable `binwalk -E etc/default_config.xml'. This
is a good sign that the file is encrypted, or heavily compressed. Lets
trust that binwalk would have identified if it was just compressed,
and that it's unlikely something so small would have such an effective
compression scheme.
All that said, the dip in the entropy suggests some structure in the
file at offset 20000 which has made it through the encryption. If I
had to guess this was a long run of zeros in the data. This could be a
sign of a less than stellar encryption scheme.
Target Acquired
So here's a candidate for us if we want to be able to edit and upload
custom configurations. Clearly it's still encrypted and thats a
problem, but we *know* that it must be encrypted and decrypted on our
hardware and it's certain the software to do it is in this filesystem
we've now got our hands on.
Searching the filesystem for mentions of `default_config.xml' I was
expecting to see a script somewhere but instead I got a match in a
library `lib/libcmm.so'. Things just got interesting! I've recently
discovered [Ghidra] an NSA backed dissembler/decompiler - I know I
know, yes I am suggesting you download and run NSA software.
Ghidra is now an opensource project hosted on Github, it's powerful
and I've found it to be incredibly user friendly compared to other
options such as [radare2], [Hopper], [rizen], [binary.ninja] and
finally the famous [IDA Pro]. I am sure there are many, many more
options out there and you can mix and match for example some tools now
use Ghidra's decompiler as a plugin.
Let's give Ghidra a twirl on `lib/libcmm.so'. Grep already told us
that it contained the string `default_config.xml', but where? First we
start a new project `ctrl + N' and import the file with `I'. Double
clicking this imported file we are transported to the main ghidra
window once we accept its offer to analyze the binary.
Searching for defined strings in the binary we get a single hit. We
can double click it in the listing view, we can then right click the
label to search for references to that address in code. Another double
click and we are taken to the code making use of it.
One of the most features I find so helpful in Ghidra is it's
decompiler which will produce a pseudocode (usually valid C)
representation of the binary. Often this will even compile directly if
we want to see the code in motion. You might still have to look at the
listing to understand precisely what's going on though.
The process of compiling is necessarily lossy and the main victims are
variable names and types, even if debug data is present and we have
function names. Lucky for us there has been no attempt to obstrufcate
any of the code in this library and we can guess at types and what
function the serve. Here we find a function called (helpfully)
`dm_loadCfg', I've relabelled (`L' or `right click > relabel') a few
variables and made guesses at their types (`ctrl + L' and again in the
right click menu also).
I do this almost automatically as I try to understand the code, ghidra
will update the decompilation as you do so, theres a positive feedback
here: As ghidra uses your types to update its understanding of the
function, you can add more types and labels. You can also experiment,
types benefit most from guessing and seeing if ghidra can suddenly
make sense of the movement of data.
The correct types in particular can dramitcally clean up the
code. Ghidra can end up having to use obtuse types to carefully make
all the data line up nor does it neccesarily know if a integer is
signed, unsigned two 2 bytes, 4 bytes… If you're not sure what a
particular type is circle back around hopefully once you've added the
types you are sure of ghidra can help you with the rest.
It's not long before we happen on `dm_decryptFile'.
[IDA Pro]
End game
Of course with a function named `decryptFile' we couldn't possibly not
double click it and take a look. And I've again cross referenced
`dm_decryptFile' with `dm_loadCfg' we can easily relabel and retype
some of the variables to make it simpler to understand whats going on.
Quickly we find something else very intriguing `cen_desMinDo' and an
error string. Helpfully, this error string warns us that there has
been an error with `des' after checking the return value. Error
strings can feel like comments for decompiled code - like comments
they range from distracting and harmful to the cracker to
illuminating. Well, `cen_desMinDo' is just a [thunk] but the
parameters are very enlightening. We see that `cen_desMinDo' takes a
few arguments but we find one argument unaccounted for. It was copied
into a buffer and then passed into this decryption functon. This is
exciting as it is just what we'd expect from a decryption key! If
`cen_desMinDo' handles the decryption it either must be passed the key
(most likely) or load it from somewhere which is very *unlikely* given
it's an external function.
We can follow it to see where it came from it's derived from to see
that it's 8 bytes loaded from a global variable. Double clicking it
and ghidra takes us to the dissembly. `478DA50FF9E3D2CB' jackpot.
This just has to be a key, and although `cen_desMinDo' is external
(likely libcrypto we saw above), the config file is encrypted it's
almost certainly using a block cipher, if it fails it complains about
[DES], I'd bet you peanuts to pounds it uses a DES block cipher.
[Openssl] is to crypto what binwalk is to firmware (well that is
somewhat under selling openssl!). Openssl is a beast of a software and
I've always found the documentation lacking - often you need to look
at code to work out how to use it. Luckily, soon after trying to
decrypt with openss we find that the first 8 bytes pop out `
Finally, we have the file dumped in it's XML glory. Googling the key
above we find that not only did TP-Link use it as a hardcoded key for
all routers of this model (likely so that they would be able to
provide support with custom config files). But, inexplicably, they
used it in other [models] too! That is the same exact key, not just
the same scheme!
Helpfully someone has produced a script to automate
encrypting/decrypting these configuration files. They also documented
a code injection vulnerability using modified configuration files.
The obvious question is, why was this so easy? Well, for the main part
it's probably because the engineers designing the firmware took no
evasive/obfuscating actions. That and the above is presented without
the many many dead ends I went down, but those deadends are just as
valuable educationally as getting the right answer. They often also
improve your understanding of the firmware you're working on so don't
be disuaded by them!
This is just an introduction to some of the tools of a reverse
engineer. But also a real life case, no contrived "crackmes" which
have their place as educational tools. Hopefully after this you will
feel confident in using `binwalk', `ghidra' and even `john' the
The real question is if I'd tried this before buying the router, would
I have been more or less likely to get it?
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